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3630 Belgium Ln. San Antonio, TX 78219

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Training 142

Training Local 142

The United Association spends millions on training every year to ensure that members are the most educated and skilled in the industry. Local Union 142 members have completed or are enrolled in a five year apprenticeship program with more than 2,000 hours of on­ the-job and classroom training each year. Your education takes place in a modern facility with instructors who are actively working in the trade. The school is equipped with all of the latest educational technology and "hands­-on" materials. Our piping professionals aren't merely learning out of a book.

Local Union 142 Plumbers, Pipefitters, Welders and HVAC Service Technicians continually upgrade their knowledge and skills, earning certifications that ensure their professionalism.

Welding Certifications to the United Association Standards in these procedures:

  • SMAW
  • GTAW
  • GMAW
  • Orbital
  • Torch Blazing

Additional Certification

  • UA/MCA Foreman Certification
  • Green Awareness Certification
  • Crane Signalperson Certification Backflow Tester Certification
  • Medical Gas Endorsement
  • OSHA-30
  • UA Star Mastery
  • EPA 608 Universal Certification
  • Continued Professional Education for Texas State Plumbing and HVAC License Renewal